Research publications
Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals.
Search or browse research publications by year, research area, publication type or keyword.
Tse WC, Djordjevic F, Borja V, Picco L, Lam T, Olsen A, Larney S, Dietze P, Nielsen S
(2022), Int J Drug Policy, 100, 103513
Aaron Woods, Aaron Drovandi, Alex Konstantatos, Thuy Bui
(2022), Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 52(5), 363-70
DOI: 101002/jppr1819
Whitechurch A, Bennett R, Inam S, Hartog B, Blackwood R, Fernando S, Hutani F, Bortz H, Lincoln M, Carney D, Roberts AW, Anderson MA, Tam CS, Seymour JF
(2022), Blood, 140, 9911-2
Chee A, Bortz H, Yip J, McFadyen JD
(2022), Intern Med J, 52(9), 1638-42
DOI: 101111/imj15899
Jack Papworth, Samantha King, Joanne Wickens, Georgia Bridges
(2022), The Australian Pharmacy Students Journal, 1(2), 8-12
DOI: 1055136/apsj124
Forest Tang, Joanne Wickens
(2022), The Australian Pharmacy Students Journal, 1(2), 2-3
DOI: 1055136/apsj121
Tong EY, Hua PU, Edwards G, Van Dyk E, Yip G, Mitra B, Dooley MJ
(2022), Aust J Rural Health, 30(5), 593-600
DOI: 101111/ajr12895
Simon Huynh, Lily Rush, Demitria Dadalias, Danson Murimi, Melissa Ta, Susan Poole, Mia Percival, Chloe Bell, Victoria Warner, David Nguyen
(2022), Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 52(5), 383-90
DOI: 101002/jppr1825
Coutsouvelis J, Dooley M, Kirkpatrick CM, Avery S, Hopkins R, Spencer A
(2022), BONE MARROW TRANSPL, 57(8), 1329-31
Fang X, Bennett N, Ierano C, James R, Thursky K
(2022), ANTIBIOTICS-BASEL, 11(5), 647
Ong JJ, Aguirre I, Unemo M, Kong FYS, Fairley CK, Hocking JS, Chow EPF, Tieosapjaroen W, Ly J, Chen MY
(2022), J ANTIMICROB CHEMOTH, 77(7), 2011-6
DOI: 101093/jac/dkac118
Michael Dooley
(2022), Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 52(2), 81-2
DOI: 101002/jppr1806
Tarik Al Diery, Amy Page, Jacinta Johnson, Steven Walker, Diana Sandulache, Kyle Wilby
(2022), Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 52(3), 180-95
DOI: 101002/jppr1804
Thuy Bui, Brennan Ditzpatrick, Tori Forrester, Galahad Gu, Courtney Hill, Caitlin Mulqueen, Janelle Penno, Courtney Munro, Yee Mellor
(2022), Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 52(2), 139-58
DOI: 101002/jppr1805
McEvoy, A
(2022), Australian Pharmacy Students Journal, 1(1), 15-18
DOI: 1055136/apsj115
Boustead V, Bell S
(2022), Australian Pharmacy Students Journal, 1(1), 7-8
DOI: 1055136/apsj113
Wickens J
(2022), Australian Pharmacy Students Journal, 1(1), 1-2
DOI: 1055136/apsj111
Wickens J
(2022), Growth, research, innovation and training, 5(4), 180-2
DOI: 1024080/grit1343
Tieosapjaroen W, Fairley CK, Chow EPF, Aguirre I, Hoy JF, Ong JJ
(2022), JAIDS-J ACQ IMM DEF, 91(3), 305-11
Yeung T, Dagan M, Lankaputhra M, Cieslik L, Warner V, Leet A, Hare JL, Bergin P, Taylor AJ, Kaye DM, Patel HC
(2022), J CARDIOVASC PHARM, 79(4), 583-92