Liver Cancer

Our service provides comprehensive care for people affected by liver cancer from diagnosis and treatment, through to follow-up care. Our expert team provide coordinated care in a supportive environment for patients, their carers and families.

About Liver Cancer

Liver cancer affects the lining of the liver which is the largest organ in the body. It is the sixteenth most common type of cancer in Australia.

There are two main types of liver cancer — ‘primary’, which means the cancer started in the liver, and ‘secondary’, which means the cancer has spread into the liver from another part of the body. 

Symptoms of liver cancer can include poor appetite and weight loss, nausea and vomiting, pain, swelling, fatigue and jaundice (yellow discolouration of the skin and eyes), amongst others. Risk factors for liver cancer include chronic hepatitis B and C infections, smoking, alcohol, type 2 diabetes, obesity and cirrhosis of the liver.

Treatment may include surgery, drug therapy (chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or targeted therapy), radiotherapy and interventional radiology

Visit the Cancer Council website to learn more about liver cancer.

Our Service

The Alfred Liver Service includes an expert team of:

  • Medical and radiation oncologists
  • Surgeons 
  • Radiologists
  • Pathologists 
  • Palliative care specialists
  • Cancer support nurses 
  • Allied health specialists (dietitians, physiotherapists and psychologists)

Patient cases are discussed in multidisciplinary team meetings to determine the most appropriate treatment for each patient and achieve the best possible outcomes.
Our patients can access cutting edge technologies and treatments, as well as a broad range of clinical trials designed to find new and improved cancer treatments.

For more information

Our clinics

Liver Clinic
The Alfred - 99 Commercial Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004

Patient information

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Enquiries phone

(03) 9076 2025


(03) 9076 6938

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