Get involved; how you can help

At Alfred Mental and Addiction Health, we actively engage in co-design, co-production and community engagement, with the aim of bringing together the voices of consumers, families, carers, supporters and clinicians to deliver the best possible care. Your involvement is essential to shape a service that truly meets everyone’s needs.

Lived Experience Participation Program

We’re committed to partnering with consumers and families, carers and supporters to continuously enhance our quality of care. Whether it's planning new services or refining existing ones, your voice matters. Through lived experience participation, we ensure your insights and experiences are heard and valued.

By sharing your story and lived experience, you can contribute to a respectful and compassionate mental health system. Not only does your participation have a personal impact, but it helps to create services that respond to changing needs and expectations.

As a participant, you’ll have the opportunity to engage in a variety of meaningful activities including:

  • Service improvement
  • Service design
  • Strategic planning
  • Staff recruitment and orientation
  • Committee and advisory group representation
  • Service evaluation through research and surveys
  • Education and lived experience storytelling
  • Participation in our youth discovery college, where you can contribute to co-design workshops by creating new course content or as a recovery educator-expert by experience

Through the Lived Experience Participation Program, we commit to:

  • Treating participants as respected equals
  • Providing ongoing support, education, training, and resources
  • Offering supervision and debriefing in a judgement-free environment
  • Remunerating you for your involvement in program activities

Interested? Register your Expression of Interest for our Lived Experience Participation Program.

For more information about our Lived Experience Participation Program, or to discuss what your involvement could look like, get in touch with the Lived Experience Participation Team at


Our service exists for you. Your compliments, complaints, comments and feedback help us to build a respectful, collaborative, forward-thinking service. Sharing your feedback, whether positive or negative, will never negatively affect your care or relationship with your team.

You can provide feedback directly to your treatment team or speak with your area manager.

Alternatively, our Patient Liaison Officer is available on (03) 9076 8001 or email

You can also visit the Alfred Health feedback page on this website.

If you feel that your complaint has not been resolved, you can also contact the Mental Health Complaints Commissioner on 1800 246 054.