Continence Service

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The Continence Service is a specialised service which helps adults with bladder and bowel problems.

What we do

Continence problems might include:

  • Rushing to the toilet
  • Going to the toilet often
  • Leaking or soiling yourself
  • Going to the toilet a lot at night
  • Leaking when you cough, sneeze, exercise or during sexual intercourse
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Difficulty going to the toilet
  • Having a prolapse
  • Having pelvic or pelvic floor pain
  • Needing advice about continence aids or coping with a bladder or bowel problem
  • Needing advice if you care for someone with a bladder or bowel problem

Our staff have specialised skills and training in continence care and include:

  • Continence nurse consultants
  • Continence/pelvic floor physiotherapists
  • Continence physicians/geriatricians
  • Clinical psychologists
  • Urologists
  • Continence dietitians

We offer services through:

What to expect

We investigate your bladder or bowel issue with you thoroughly. We develop a management plan with you to help to understand and care for your bladder and bowel.

Our treatment options include:

  • Bladder retraining
  • Lifestyle advice
  • Pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation
  • Continence product advice
  • Toileting programs
  • Defaecation training
  • Laxative advice
  • Support, education and advice to carers
  • Specialised investigations including video urodynamics studies

When you are seen by the Continence Service, we:

  • Ask about your bladder and/or bowel problem
  • Ask about your medical history and medications
  • Get you to pass urine in a special toilet
  • Test your urine
  • Do a simple ultrasound on your bladder
  • Examine you if you are comfortable

Commonly asked questions

Is there a cost?

Consultations with a continence nurse, physiotherapist, clinical psychologist or geriatrician are free of charge and no medical referral is needed.

Video urodynamic studies require a doctor's referral and are bulk billed via Medicare.

Do I need to do anything to prepare for my appointment?

We ask that you bring a medication list and a 2-day bladder and/or a bowel diary to first appointment (available in resources)

Home visits

We do see people in their own home if they find it very difficult to come into Caulfield Hospital for an appointment and live in the city councils of Port Phillip, Stonnington and Glen Eira.

How to access this service

Contact us directly

Caulfield Access is responsible for intake, information and referral processing for a wide range of community and ambulatory services. 

Family, carers, case managers and patients can contact Caulfield Access to access our services.

Once a referral has been received, a Care Coordinator will phone the patient to discuss their needs and organise appropriate services. The Care Coordinator will provide the patient with their phone number. Patients are encouraged to contact the Care Coordinator if they have any concerns.

To make a referral

Call the Caulfield Access Unit on (03) 9076 6776, Fax (03) 9076 6773, or send an email to:

What to bring

Every time you come

  • Medicare card
  • Health Care Card and/or concession card (if you have one)
  • Private health insurance card (if applicable/if you want to use it)
  • Adverse drug alert card (if you have one)
  • Previous X-ray films, scans, ultrasounds or any other test results or reports
  • Medicines you need to take while you are here
  • Medications list (or the boxes), including over-the-counter supplements (e.g. herbal supplements, vitamins)
  • Glasses, hearing aids, or mobility aids, as needed

For a clinic appointment

  • Your appointment letter
  • Any special items listed on your letter
  • TAC or WorkCover claim number (if relevant)

Our clinics

Clinic name Campus Location
Bayside Urology Continence Clinic Caulfield Hospital 260 Kooyong Rd, Caulfield VIC 3162
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