Continence Service

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The Continence Service is a specialised service that offers comprehensive assessment, investigation, education, management and research of bladder and bowel issues for adults of all ages.

Clinical service overview

We provide a range of services using a team approach and many people are seen by a combination of health professionals within the service. The time frames for treatment may range from one visit to several visits over a number of months.

We work with adults with urinary and faecal continence issues, bladder and bowel dysfunction. We also work with adults with pelvic floor associated issues such as incontinence, frequency, urgency, nocturia, constipation, prolapse, pelvic pain.

We are able to offer:

  • Comprehensive assessment
  • Conservative management techniques such as bladder retraining, life style advice, pelvic floor rehabilitation, bowel management, toileting programs and advice on continence products
  • Specialised investigations including - uroflow, bladder ultrasound, real time ultrasound and videourodynamics studies. Video urodynamics is a specialised test on bladder pressure and flow available at the Continence Service.
  • Medical assessment by continence physician, geriatrician or urologist
  • We also aim to raise awareness and promote management of continence issues through our role as consultant and educator to a variety of health services and personnel
  • Education for health professionals and patients

Services are offered through:

  • Clinic-based visits
  • Home-based visits. These are for frail and / or disabled clients who would find it difficult to attend the Continence Service and reside in the Stonnington, Port Phillip and Glen Eira municipalities.
  • Low care residents in Residential Aged Care Facilities (a charge is incurred with high care residents) in Stonnington, Port Philip and Glen Eira municipalities.
  • Bayside Urology Continence Clinic (BUCC) – a monthly urology clinic located at Caulfield Hospital with urologists from Alfred Urology. Referrals via usual referral method to Alfred Urology (Renal ultrasound and MSU are usually required prior to referral)

Refer your patient

Fax referral to us

Caulfield Access is responsible for intake, information and referral processing for a wide range of community and ambulatory services. 

We accept referrals from GPs, specialists, family, carers, case managers and patients.

We also welcome phone enquiries to discuss potential referrals or an existing referral. Referrals are triaged depending on priority. 

Patients requiring immediate assessment should be sent to the Emergency & Trauma Centre. 

To refer a patient to a community service either:

  • complete the Service Coordination Tool Template (SCTT) and submit electronically, or
  • complete and fax your SCTT referral form to Caulfield Access Unit

Consider making referrals for chronic conditions indefinite. 

Once a referral has been received, a Care Coordinator will phone the patient to discuss their needs and organise appropriate services. The Care Coordinator will provide the patient with their phone number. Patients are encouraged to contact the Care Coordinator if they have any concerns.

Referral enquiries

(03) 9076 6776

Referral fax

(03) 9076 6773

Referral email

Special referral instructions

Consultations with a continence nurse consultant, pelvic floor/continence physiotherapist, clinical psychologist or geriatrician are free of charge and no medical referral is needed. Video urodynamic studies require a doctor's referral and are bulk billed via Medicare.

Our clinics

Clinic name Campus Location
Bayside Urology Continence Clinic Caulfield Hospital 260 Kooyong Rd, Caulfield VIC 3162
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