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The Physiotherapy service provides physiotherapy services to patients across all three hospital sites. Each of our departments offers a variety of specialised services which can respond to each patients' specific needs.

Clinical service overview

We care for:

The Alfred and Sandringham Hospital

The Acute Physiotherapy Service at the Alfred and Sandringham Hospital is organised into five functional streams: Intensive Care, Musculoskeletal, Respiratory, PAN (Progressive Illness, Aged Care and Neurosciences), and Sandringham. The first four streams are located at The Alfred site, with the fifth stream based at the Sandringham site.

The Alfred physiotherapy department provides physiotherapy services to specialty areas such as:

Other services include:

Caulfield Hospital

At Caulfield, the Physiotherapy Department provides an intensive specialist service to rehabilitation and aged care patients in a multidisciplinary team environment. It is organised into three clinical streams:

  • Neurological rehabilitation
  • Orthopaedic, amputee and general rehabilitation
  • Aged care and residential care

Assessment and treatment occurs on an inpatient and outpatient basis. There is also a modern hydrotherapy pool on site for rehabilitation purposes.

The Caulfield physiotherapy department has expertise in the following clinical areas:

  • Amputee rehabilitation
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Neurological rehabilitation
  • Spinal rehabilitation
  • Burns rehabilitation
  • Cardiac rehabilitation
  • Complex regional pain
  • Aged care
  • Transitional care
  • Residential care
  • Aged psychiatry
  • Hydrotherapy

The Alfred Health Physiotherapy Department is a clinical school for both La Trobe and Monash Universities. We are committed to improving the level of evidence for physiotherapy best practise, through clinical research.

Workforce & research

The Alfred Health Physiotherapy Department is a clinical school for both La Trobe and Monash Universities.

We are committed to improving the level of evidence for physiotherapy best practice. Find out more about physiotherapy research.

New graduate program

Find out about our exciting graduate opportunities.

Advanced practice musculoskeletal physiotherapy services

Alfred Health advanced musculoskeletal physiotherapy services utilise the expertise of experienced musculoskeletal physiotherapists (minimum 5-7 years experience), with post-graduate training, to work collaboratively with the medical teams to manage uncomplicated, isolated musculoskeletal presentations.

For each service there is a clinical lead physiotherapist who is responsible for education/ training, credentialing and competency of the musculoskeletal physiotherapists working in their area, the service development and evaluation of the clinics.

Advanced practice services available at Alfred Health:

  • Advanced Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy in the Emergency Department: The Alfred Emergency and Trauma Centre and Sandringham Hospital Emergency Department
  • Physiotherapy ED Soft Tissue Review Clinic
  • Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Screen
  • PAR (Physio Arthroplasty Review) Clinic
  • The Osteoarthritis hip and knee service (OAHKS)
  • Neurosurgery Physiotherapy Screening Clinic
  • Neurosurgery Post-Operative Review Clinic

Refer your patient

Internal referrals only

We accept referrals for inpatients and patients who have been referred internally from Alfred Health services.

For community accessible outpatient clinics, refer to Caulfield Community Health Service (CCHS) or Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) via the Caulfield Access Unit.

Referral enquiries (Access Unit)

9076 6776

Referral fax (Access Unit)

9076 6773

Enquiries email (Access Unit)

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