Impact 2023 - The Alfred Foundation year in review

6 March 2024

We are excited to present you with a new format of The Alfred Foundation's annual report, Impact

In this new, interactive edition, where you can see videos and visit links to other stories from within the publication, we get a look at the philanthropic impact which can be seen in the Paula Fox Melanoma and Cancer Centre, opening in early 2024, while the redevelopment of our Heart Centre marks another milestone as we continue to revolutionise care for people across Melbourne and Victoria. 

We also get a glimpse of the immediate impact that new technology can have on patients’ wellbeing, Alfred Health’s ongoing commitment to nursing education, and the importance of Team Alfred, among other things. 

Visit our interactive and extended eBrochure of the new 2023 Impact Report here.

You can also download the PDF file from this address or from the button below.

emergency & trauma
nursing education
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the alfred foundation