Support for the Sunflower

The Alfred is the first metropolitan hospital in Victoria – and one of the first few hospitals across the country – to support the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower.
The initiative aims to raise awareness of the daily challenges faced by individuals who live with an invisible disability or condition, who can wear the sunflower and indicate to people around them that they may need extra understanding, help or a little more time.
Lisa Cameron, the Disability Access and Inclusion Lead at Alfred Health, wants to make the hospital experience for patients with a hidden disability a little bit easier.
"While it is a simple concept, it can potentially have a big impact for people with hidden disability," she said.
"There is increasing understanding about disability in general in the community, but it is much harder for hidden disabilities because it’s not immediately obvious what help is needed.
"For example, whether a carer should be included in a consultation, if a quiet area is needed to wait in, or an appointment time that includes less waiting time."
Lisa said that joining the Sunflower initiative was a signal to people that Alfred Health was serious about making its healthcare service more accessible and inclusive for people with a disability.
"It is a symbol of safety and inclusion that is becoming more widely recognisable," she said. "This is part of something that’s bigger than just Alfred Health."
The HealthSmart Pharmacy at The Alfred has made a $10,000 donation towards supporter badges for staff and to support evaluation of the initiative.
Pharmacist Joseph Tesoriero said HealthSmart was delighted to throw its support behind such a worthy cause: "I want to give back to this community at The Alfred. I feel strongly about the lost, the last, the least and the left-behind,” he said.
"Something like this helps keep an eye out for people in their daily lives."
To find out more about the Sunflower program, visit the website.