Suzy’s lifetime of appreciation

30 April 2021

We are continually in awe of the generosity and kindness demonstrated by people who choose to support The Alfred by leaving a gift in their Will.

Suzy made this very generous decision following the care and compassion she witnessed when both of her parents, and one of her children, were cared for by The Alfred.

'I felt inspired by the wonderful and brilliant work the hospital provided – not only to my family, but to everyone who attended the hospital,' said Suzy. 'The Alfred saved my father’s life in the 1980’s when he had open heart surgery and it allowed him to live for another 20 years until he passed away in 2000.”

Suzy’s mother Marcelle suffered heart complications and also had a long association with The Alfred, first attending in her 60s before sadly passing away at 97. Suzy recalls how much Marcelle appreciated the dignity and respect doctors and nurses treated her with, even compromising in allowing her to attend her granddaughter’s wedding while in the hospital's care.

'Whenever my mother was sick and had to go to hospital, she always managed to do it late on a Thursday night. On this occasion, the first thing she told the doctor was “I have to be discharged tomorrow, because my granddaughter is getting married.”

Despite needing iron and blood transfusions, and a series of tests, Marcelle was able to attend the wedding if she promised to be back at the hospital by 9pm.

'Well, not my mother,' said Suzy. 'She stayed until the bride and groom left! The nurses greeted her with open arms and mum said "Look, I’ve brought you cake and chocolates and lollies". She was just so happy to sit and talk to the staff about the wedding for hours.'

It's evident Suzy comes from a long line of caring people who she says instilled in her the importance of giving back. Suzy volunteers 20 hours a week delivering kosher meals on wheels, occasionally taking her grandchildren with her to deliver meals.

'It’s really important for them to understand the meaning of giving to charity.'

Suzy herself has been a patient at The Alfred over the last three years, after she suffered a fall and broke her arm in several places. She has surgery scheduled for later this year following ongoing pain. 'They never gave up on me,' Suzy says gratefully.

This week is Include a Charity Week, an Australian campaign designed to encourage more people to think about remembering their favourite charities in their Wills

For more information about including a gift to The Alfred in your Will, please get in touch with Sue or Feygl on 03 9076 3222, email or visit our website.

the alfred foundation