Prof David Kaye holding up the Total Artificial Heart


Surgeons hands
Important information for cardiac surgery patients
13 February 2017
Victorian hospitals, including The Alfred, have contacted patients about a rare infection that has been identified in a small number of cardiac surgery patients world-wide.
Everyone has a story
10 February 2017
Alfred Health's new campaign uses patient experiences as a learning tool for patient care.
Order of Australia medal
Alfred Health staff receive Australia Day Honours
27 January 2017
Congratulations to two Alfred Health clinicians who were recognised in the Australia Day Honours List for 2017 for their dedication in caring for patients and significant contributions to the medical sector.
Incident at Bourke Street Mall
27 January 2017
A number of patients were treated at The Alfred following an incident in the Bourke Street Mall on Friday 20 January 2017.
Head of burns Heather Cleland with patient Enes Goretic
Be safe around fire this Australia Day
23 January 2017
This Australia Day, The Alfred is urging everyone to be extra cautious around fire following a significant increase in burns patients over the summer.
Affected by the Bourke St Mall incident? Find support
23 January 2017
If you have been affected by the events in the CBD on Friday, reach out to your friends and family. Learn more about how we respond to trauma.
HIV virus
VAC boosts PrEPX funding
18 January 2017
The Alfred's PrEPX Study will be available to an additional 600 people, thanks to a $100,000 funding boost from the Victorian AIDS Council (VAC). 
research & innovation
The Alfred from the front driveway
Alfred Health appoints Chief Operating Officer
12 January 2017
Chief Executive Prof Andrew Way has announced the appointment of Dr Tim Sinclair as Alfred Health’s new Chief Operating Officer.
open road
Why fatigue and driving are a deadly combination
21 December 2016
This holiday season, sleep experts at The Alfred are urging people to stay safe behind the wheel and arrive at their destination unharmed.
science laboratory
Mouthwash helps combat STI
21 December 2016
A supermarket brand of mouthwash has been shown to help kill off gonorrhoea in the mouth, researchers have found.
research & innovation