What do I need to know if staying at Sandringham Hospital?

Essential information for inpatients


Sandringham Hospital does not offer private rooms.

Assistance bell

Each bed has a call bell. When you press the button, you alert the nursing staff that you need help. You will be shown how to use it when you are admitted to hospital.

Telephone, television and radio

Individual patient telephone, television and radio services are available beside each bed. These services are provided on a user-pays basis by a company external to the hospital. Information on these services and charges is provided to patients by the staff caring for you. Keep the volume of radio and television to a minimum and where possible use earphones to avoid disturbing others. 

Newspapers, magazines and books

Newspapers and magazines can be purchased at the hospital kiosk at the main entrance to the hospital.  Volunteers also offer a bedside service for small purchases such as magazines and newspapers. 


Mail is distributed to all wards each weekday. Any mail received after discharge will be forwarded to your postal address. 


We do not have the facilities to offer a laundry service for patients’ personal clothing. You are advised to send your clothing home for washing.

Lost property

If you lose a personal item during your stay, speak to your nurse manager as soon as possible.  If you leave any personal property behind when you leave hospital, Contact the service where you were staying and speak to the nurse manager.   

Visiting hours

At Sandringham Hospital we have flexible visiting hours. Discuss with staff on your ward.

Am I well enough to visit?

Ask your visitors not to come to see you in hospital if they have an infection such as a cold, flu or upset stomach. We recommend that visitors who could have gastroenteritis do not come into the hospital until 48 hours after their last symptom, as they could still be infectious. If you come to hospital and are feeling unwell with a cold, flu, upset stomach or another illness that could be passed on to others, contact the department you are due to attend first so they can take the appropriate precautions.  We are here to help. If you have any questions about preventing infection contact us on (03) 9076 3139.