HeLP Patient Legal Clinic

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The Health Legal Partnership (HeLP) Patient Legal Clinic is a partnership between Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, Alfred Health, Justice Connect and the Michael Kirby Centre for Public Health and Human Rights at Monash University.

What we do

We offer free legal assistance and referrals to all patients and families at Alfred Health for their health-related legal problems.

Some of the matters that we provide legal assistance and referrals for are:

  • End of life planning, including medical and legal powers of attorney. 
    • When creating a power of attorney, you will need to be accompanied by an independent witness who is not your relative or partner, a relative or partner of the person that you are appointing, or your care worker or accommodation provider. The person that you are appointing as attorney will also need to be present. 
  • Superannuation claims
  • Housing and property
  • Criminal charges
  • Family law
  • Family violence
  • Elder abuse

What we cannot do

We are not able to provide legal advice to patients or their family members in relation to WorkCover or TAC claims. 

We are also unable to provide advice in relation to immigration problems and cannot witness or create wills, but we can refer you to solicitors or services who can assist with these issues.

Who we care for

Our service is available to any patient of Alfred Health. While we do not currently attend the Caulfield campus in person, you can still book in for a telephone appointment with us.

What to expect

You will be booked in with one of the lawyers at the clinic for an hour-long appointment on a Tuesday or Thursday.

Where appropriate, you may be referred to other services, taking into consideration your geographic location and financial situation.

If you need a medical or enduring power of attorney to be completed, you will need to organise an independent witness to attend the appointment with you. The witness must not be related to you or the people that you are appointing as your attorney, and cannot be your care worker or accommodation provider. The person or people that you are appointing as your attorney or attorneys will also need to be present at the appointment.

Commonly asked questions

How much does the service cost?

This is a free service

Can I use the HeLP clinic for assistance with WorkCover or TAC claims?

We are unable to assist with any WorkCover or TAC claims

COVID-19: Changes to staffing and clinic times

Due to ongoing public safety restrictions in place to assist in preventing the spread of COVID-19, the HeLP Patient Legal Clinic will only be staffed on certain days. 

If you require an in person appointment, for example to assist in preparing a medical or enduring power of attorney, please contact the Alfred Hospital Social Work Department on (03) 9076 3026 to book an appointment ahead of time.

How to access this clinic

Speak with your Alfred Health treating team

Patients should speak with their Alfred Health doctor, nurse or allied health practitioner.

This team member will be able to assist in completing the HeLP referral form. The team member will then call the HeLP Clinic to complete the referral and make an appointment. 

Clinic times

Day Campus Time
Tuesday The Alfred 9.00am - 4.00pm
Thursday The Alfred 9.00am - 4.00pm
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