HeLP Patient Legal Clinic

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The Health Legal Partnership (HeLP) Patient Legal Clinic is a partnership between Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, Alfred Health, Justice Connect and the Michael Kirby Centre for Public Health and Human Rights at Monash University.

Clinical service overview

We offer free legal assistance and referrals to all patients and families at Alfred Health for their health-related legal problems.

Some of the matters that we provide legal assistance and referrals for are:

  • end of life legal planning including medical and legal powers of attorney, wills and superannuation
  • financial-related legal issues, such as Centrelink debts and outstanding fines
  • housing and property
  • criminal charges
  • family law
  • family violence
  • immigration problems

How your patient can access this service

Your patient must speak with their treating Alfred Health doctor, nurse or allied health practitioner. This team member can then assist the patient in completing the HeLP referral form before liaising with the HeLP clinic to make an appointment. 

Patients who are no longer under the treatment of an Alfred Health unit should be referred to Legal Aid. 

Clinic times

Day Campus Time
Tuesday The Alfred 9.00am - 4.00pm
Thursday The Alfred 9.00am - 4.00pm
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