Obesity Multidisciplinary Management Clinic
Health professional information
The Obesity Multidisciplinary Management Clinic aims to help people who have health problems related to excess weight to improve their health by weight management. The clinic is a multidisciplinary service made up of specially trained doctors, a nurse coordinator, pharmacist, dietitian, psychologist and exercise physiologist.
Clinical service overview
The clinic will provide a goal-directed multidisciplinary obesity management service to patients of Alfred Health with obesity-related health conditions to improve their health and treatment outcomes.
Eligibility criteria
Eligible patients:
- Are current patients of Alfred Health
and - Are aged 18 years and over
and - Have body mass index of 35 kg/m2 or greater
and - Have an obesity-related medical disease or functional impairment
and - Have at least one of the following:
- Weight loss is likely to improve the control or symptoms of obesity-related disease
- Obesity is a barrier to a procedure/surgery
- Recent potentially preventable obesity-related hospital admission or Emergency Department presentation
Exclusion criteria
- If BMI is less than 35kg/m2
- If treatment goals are unlikely to be achieved with medical management of obesity
- If patient is unsuitable for a 12 month time-limited service (refer externally to long term obesity management service)
- Pregnant or breastfeeding
We are unable to accept referrals from outside Alfred Health.
Refer your patient
Cerner referral
Cerner referral - to `OP Interunit Referral Obesity Multidisciplinary Clinic'.
Follow Cerner referral prompts.
(03) 9076 6938
Clinic times
Day | Campus | Time |
Thursday | The Alfred | 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM |
Clinic consultants
- A/Prof Priya Sumithran: Endocrinology
- Dr Daniel Fineberg: General Medicine, Endocrinology
In Case Of An Emergency, Call 000