Obesity Multidisciplinary Management Clinic

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The Obesity Multidisciplinary Management Clinic aims to help people who have health problems related to excess weight to improve their health by weight management. The clinic is a multidisciplinary service made up of specially trained doctors, a nurse coordinator, pharmacist, dietitian, psychologist and exercise physiologist.

What we do

We provide evidenced-based care to improve the health and wellbeing of people with obesity-related health conditions in an outpatient clinic.

Who we care for

We see adults who are current patients of Alfred Health who have an obesity-related chronic disease.

What to expect

You will have appointments with the clinic team over a period of up to 12 months. Appointments will be in person, on the phone or via telehealth (video call), and either individually or in small groups.

How to access this clinic

Referral from your Alfred Health medical team

You will need an referral from a medical or surgical team at Alfred Health who you are already seeing. Currently, we are unable to accept referrals from your GP or other healthcare providers outside Alfred Health.

What to bring

For a clinic appointment

  • Medicare card 
  • Health Care Card and/or concession card (if you have one) 
  • Adverse drug alert card (if you have one)
  • An up to date list of medications you are currently taking (or the boxes) including medicines you have bought without a prescription, such as herbal supplements and vitamins 
  • Glasses, hearing aid(s) and/or walking frame if needed

Clinic times

Day Campus Time
Thursday The Alfred 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Clinic consultants

  • A/Prof Priya Sumithran: Endocrinology
  • Dr Daniel Fineberg: General Medicine, Endocrinology
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