Pulmonary Rehabilitation Clinic
Health professional information
Clinical service overview
We offer three types of evidence-based rehabilitation programs, all of 8 weeks duration:
- Centre-based group rehabilitation at Alfred and Caulfield sites - 2x/week, supervised
- Home based rehabilitation – weekly structured phone coaching, unsupervised, nil specialist equipment required
- Telerehabilition, online group – 2x/week, supervised, exercise equipment provided
In addition, we offer in-person education and an online support group.
All patients will be assessed in-person and provided with an individually designed program. Commitment to additional exercise at home is an essential part of the program.
Refer your patient
How to access this clinic
We accept GP and specialist referrals to this service.
To refer your patient, please send us a referral letter via fax or email including all demographic and clinical details as well as relevant investigation results.
All referrals are triaged by the service according to clinical urgency and model of program required.
We accept referrals for people who have a confirmed diagnosis of lung condition such as:
• Stable asthma
• Interstitial lung disease
• Pulmonary fibrosis
• Bronchiectasis
• Pulmonary Hypertension (stable)
• Debility secondary to chest infection
• Lung cancer
(03) 9076 3450
(03) 9076 5430