Stomal Therapy

Health professional information

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We are an internal service which works with medical and surgical teams in the hospital to manage patients requiring stomal care.

Clinical service overview

This comprehensive service provides:

  • pre-operative counselling for all patients undergoing potential stoma formation (colorectal, urological, general surgical and gastroenterological conditions including Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) such as Crohn's Disease or ulcerative colitis)
  • pre operative siting
  • education and support, involving physical, psychological and emotional, for patients and carers who have had surgery resulting in the formation of a stoma
  • telephone advice
  • organisation of stoma suplies and membership to relevant associations
  • advice and management of fistula and complex wound management to hospital staff
  • assistance and support for families which have long term abdominal fistulas and related complex wounds
  • an outpatient service working with surgical services for post-operative followup, or general review of patients requiring stomal therapy care
  • educational support for Alfred Health in relation to stomal, abdominal fistula and colorectal surgeries

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