Stomal Therapy

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We work with teams in the hospital to care for people who have, or will have, a stoma (an artificial opening on the wall of your abdomen to collect waste).

What we do

We provide:

  • education and counselling to patients and their family or carers who are undergoing surgery for stoma formation
  • assistance in organising stoma supplies
  • outpatient follow up of patients who have had stomal surgery
  • assistance for patients, families and treating doctors in the management of complications associated with stomach problems, such as fistulas and complex wounds

What to expect

We will see you in the hospital or in outpatients as part of the hospital team who are looking after you. We work closely with the multi-disciplinary team to care for your needs.

How to access this service

No external referrals accepted

You can only access this service when you are staying in hospital or if you have been referred by an Alfred Health clinician.

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