Pharmacy residencies

The Residency program is a structured and supported two year program, nationally accredited by the Society of Hospital Pharmacists Australia.

Applications are currently closed.

Program overview

The residency program is targeted at motivated and enthusiastic pharmacists who have recently completed their internship or those new to hospital practice.

As a resident, you will be exposed to contemporary pharmacy practice and a broad range of clinical and operational experiences. A comprehensive curriculum outlines core knowledge and skills to be developed, with six-month rotations in a medical speciality, a surgical speciality, operations/support and an elective rotation. You will also undergo a variety of clinical assessment tools to provide feedback on their clinical practice and aid development.

Other key features of the program include the completion of an audit or quality improvement project.

Future opportunity

Through the successful completion of the program, trainees will be eligible to be recognised by the Australian and New Zealand College of Advanced Pharmacy (ANZCAP) as having achieved a Resident level of practice.  

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