Registrar Training Program

The Society of Hospital Pharmacists Australia’s Registrar Training Program is an innovative program which aims to develop consolidation level practitioners in a chosen clinical or non-clinical specialty.

Applications are now closed

About the Registrar Training Program


The Society of Hospital Pharmacists Registrar Training Program is structured, formalised, supported and accredited national two-year program. It aims to facilitate the development of transitional level pharmacists, which is demonstrated by the Registrar Training Program (TP) advancement to consolidation level through a portfolio of practice based experiential training.

Through the successful completion of the program, trainees will be eligible to be recognised by the Australian and New Zealand College of Advanced Pharmacy (ANZCAP) as having achieved a Registrar level of practice in their specialty.

Our program at Alfred Health commences at the beginning of March each year, with an annual intake of TPs. The program is supported by the Alfred Health Workforce and Development Team, as well as mentors in each stream.

Registrar Training Program Residents are enthusiastic and motivated pharmacists with approximately 3-5 years clinical pharmacy experience, who work collaboratively with the multidisciplinary team to achieve the best medication management outcomes for individual patients.

Working closely with their mentor in their specialty, they complete the two – year program to gain specialist knowledge. They also contribute to improving medication management on a larger scale through contributing to practice-based research projects and service and practice improvement work.


The SHPA  Registrar Training Program is a two-year program. The TP will spend 18 months in the chosen specialty stream and the option for 6 months to be spent in a breadth specialty that compliments their residency.


Registrar Training Program Residents are recruited towards the end of the calendar year. The annual intake depends on previous years intake and mentor availability. Candidates are appointed as Grade two clinical pharmacists for the duration of their residency.

Alfred Health is accredited for the following Registrar Training Program specialty Practice Area Pathways:

  • Nephrology
  • Neurology
  • Cardiology
  • Critical Care
  • Emergency Medicine
  • General Medicine
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Perioperative Medicine
  • Surgical
  • Oncology and Haematology
  • Respiratory Medicine
  • Mental Health
  • Clinical Informatics
  • Education
  • Medication Safety

Who should apply

The Alfred Registrar Training Program is ideal for clinical pharmacists who wish to:

  • Build on their existing 3 to 5 years of clinical practice experience
  • Advance their practice from the Transition to the Consolidation level of the National Competency Standards Framework for Pharmacists in Australia 2016, in a defined clinical setting
  • Further develop clinical skills and knowledge in a clinical specialty area with excellent grounding in acute adult pharmacotherapy, across a range of disciplines
  • Apply learned theory and practice-based research in a chosen clinical discipline
  • Be awarded an SHPA Registrar Training Program from an internationally renowned centre of clinical excellence
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