Neuroscience Bio-databank

The Alfred Neuroscience Bio-databank (ANB) is a biorepository and databank that provides human tissue, saliva, urine, blood, and derivative products with coded clinical data that are used for research into neurological diseases. 

The ANB has been established as a resource for academic and industry-based researchers within Australia and around the world who are developing diagnostic tools and new drug therapies, for the enhancement of patient care.

Research using these biological samples may help us to find out more about what causes neurological disorders, how to prevent them, and how to treat them.

Biological samples are collected and stored from people with a range of neurological diseases and conditions, including (but not limited to): 

  • Epilepsy
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Migraine
  • Brain trauma
  • Stroke
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Movement disorders
  • Dementia

Researchers may request samples and coded clinical data from ANB by submitting an application form with a valid research ethics board approval letter for their research study.

Legal agreements must also be signed. These agreements include provisions to ensure that the researcher will maintain the confidentiality of the data and will not attempt to re-identify any participants.

The ANB Steering Committee reviews and approves the application before any samples and coded clinical data are provided to researchers.

This project has received ethical approval by the Alfred Hospital Ethics Committee (project number: 157/19).

The committee is satisfied that this project meets the requirements of the national statement on ethical conduct in human research and ensures the confidentiality of participants’ information is protected.

Contact us

Whether you are a potential participant or researcher, if you have questions, send us an email at

For patients

The Alfred Neuroscience Bio-databank is Victoria’s very first bio-databank dedicated to neurological disorders.

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Our team

The following experts and supporting team are the faces of the Alfred Neuroscience Bio-databank. 

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For researchers: Methods & procedures

Access to high-quality specimens, collected and handled in standardized ways that minimize potential bias or confounding factors, is key to the “bench to bedside” aim of translational research.

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For researchers: Overview

Samples received by the ANB are processed into a wide range of biomaterials using standardized laboratory techniques and quality control practices.

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