Transition Care

Health professional information

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We aim to minimise the number of older people experiencing inappropriate, extended lengths of stay in hospital or being prematurely admitted to residential care.

Clinical service overview

The Alfred Health Transition Care Program (TCP) is one of the TCP services under Flexible Care and legislated under the Aged Care Act 1997

By offering case management, low intensity therapy and personal support, TCP enables older people to have time in a non-hospital environment to complete their restorative process and finalise access to their long-term care arrangements.

We are able to offer the following services:

  • TCP in one of three bed based facilities (private providers):
    • Coppin Centre
    • Hammond Care
  • TCP in a community setting (own home) with care delivered by Programmed Care.
  • Provision of care and therapy to enhance recovery and access suitable long term arrangements

We accept eligible patients from within Alfred Health and other public and private hospitals for bed based TCP.

We accept patients for community-based TCP for those in living in the following council regions:

  • City of Glen Eira
  • City of Port Phillip
  • City of Stonnington
  • We will also consider parts of  the City of Kingston, City of Bay side, City of Melbourne and the City of Monash

Refer your patient

How to access

Call the TCP Office to discuss your patient with the Intake team.

Relevant referral forms can be emailed to you on request


(03) 9076 6301


(03) 9076 6136

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