Women @ The Alfred

In 2001 Carolyn Stubbs brought together 14 women to raise awareness and funds to fight prostate cancer. At the time, women across Australia were successfully lobbying governments and approaching corporations to provide amazing facilities to monitor, treat and fund research into breast cancer.

In contrast, many men were dying, untreated with prostate cancer. The group recognised that this major health issue, with the capacity to affect the men they loved, was being overlooked.

Today the group comprises over 50 women who continue to come together to harness the support of the community to fight prostate cancer.

Initially named Private Men’s Business (PMB), the group's first lunch in 2002 raised over $100,000. In 2005 they agreed to partner with the Alfred Foundation and changed their name to Women@theAlfred (W@TA) and held the inaugural Chairman’s Lunch.

Since then W@TA have donated in excess of $4,000,000 to support the early detection and treatment of those impacted by prostate cancer, including helping to establish a dedicated Prostate Cancer Clinic at The Alfred Centre, which provides prostate-specific medical facilities and counselling.