HIV Services Advisory Group (HSAG)

Alfred Health’s HIV Services Advisory Group (HSAG) continues to help the health service plan for future services and identify community needs and future trends in HIV care.

Established in October 2014, HSAG includes community members and advocacy groups as well as clinical, academic and government representatives.

The group meets every two months at the Positive Living Centre in Prahran and is chaired by Prof. Andrew Way, Chief Executive, Alfred Health. 

HSAG Membership

Community and Advocacy Group Members

  • Mr Philip Elphinstone
  • Mr David Menadue
  • Mr Max Niggl 
  • Mr Simon Ruth 
  • Mr Bernie Slagtman

Work is underway to ensure our membership includes a more diverse representation including women living with HIV and the transgendered community. 

Other representatives

  • Prof Christopher (Kit) Fairley - Director, Melbourne Sexual Health Centre / Professor of Public Health, Central Clinical School, Monash University
  • Prof Jenny Hoy - Director of HIV Medicine, Alfred Health
  • Prof Mark Stoove - Burnet Institute
  • Prof Andrew Way (Chair) - Chief Executive, Alfred Health
  • Ms Heidi Bulda - Nurse Unit Manager, Fairfield House, Alfred Health
  • Ms Suzanne Corcoran - Executive Officer, Alfred Health

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is also represented in the group.

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