Late Effects Clinic

Health professional information

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This clinic is for patients who are more than two years disease free following autologous or allogeneic stem cell transplantation.

Clinical service overview

The clinic aims to improve the health of long term survivors of transplantation targeting a range of late effects including physical, social and psychological concerns.

Key services:

  • Monitoring for and management of a wide range of physical late effects
  • Addressing emotional and social needs of survivors and family members
  • Individualised health education for survivors regarding their diagnosis, treatments and potential late effects
  • Referrals to other specialists and healthcare providers as needed
  • Wellness and health promotion activities
  • Facilitating survivorship research to improve the quality of life for all survivors
  • Empowering survivors to advocate for their own healthcare needs
  • Raising awareness of survivorship issues in the broader community
  • Development of an individualised Survivorship Care Plan

Find out more about late effects, including resources for patients and health professionals.

Refer your patient

Contact us directly

Patients, families, carers, and case managers can reach out to us directly for assistance.

Referral enquiries

(03) 9076 2828

Referral fax

(03) 9076 8500

Clinic times

Day Campus Time
Friday The Alfred Morning

MBS-billed service

On the doctor’s behalf, Alfred Health can bulk bill the cost of the consultation for some services through Medicare. This means there is no out of pocket expense to the patient. 

MBS-billed services require a current referral. Provide your patient with a 12 month referral to see the specialist of your choice at the requested clinic. 

Referrals must be addressed to a named specialist or the Head of service, listed at the top of this page. Clinic consultants are listed on every clinic page.

Note that from time to time, your patient may be seen by another specialist in the clinic, in order to expedite their treatment.

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