Anaesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine research
The Department of Anaesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine at The Alfred is one the largest in Australia, consisting of 29 full-time and over 50 visiting specialist anaesthesiologists, as well as 40 registrars in training.
Our partners
Boney O, Moonesinghe SR, Myles PS, Grocott MPW; StEP-COMPAC group
(2022), BRIT J ANAESTH, 128(1), 174-85
Lodge ME, Moran C, Sutton ADJ, Lee HC, Dhesi JK, Andrew NE, Ayton DR, Hunter-Smith DJ, Srikanth VK, Snowdon DA
(2022), Qual Life Res, 31(8), 2267-79
Bain CR, Myles PS, Taylor R, Trahair H, Lee YP, Croft L, Peyton PJ, Painter T, Chan MTV, Wallace S, Corcoran T, Shaw AD, Paul E, Ziemann M, Bozaoglu K
(2022), Transl Res, 247, 79-98