Ways to give

Your continued support helps ensure The Alfred delivers lifesaving compassionate care for our patients and their loved ones. Thanks to support received from the community over our long history, the Alfred has built outstanding places of care, purchased cutting-edge lifesaving equipment, delivered innovative healthcare, and made research and education a top priority. 

The Alfred is a leading health service caring for all Victorians, providing 18 statewide services including major trauma, burns, intensive care, and organ transplantation

While the government provides us with the essentials, there is always more we can do to ensure we continue to provide the best level of care to the community. Your support can contribute to our role in saving lives, improving the health of our community, and advancing medical research and innovation.

Ways to give include:

Current appeal


Supporters like you play a key role in delivering exceptional care at The Alfred. Find out how you can support our current appeal.

Find out how you can help
ICU nurse setting up IV equipment

Regular giving

Become a regular monthly donor and help give our most sick and injured people the best possible care.

Find out how

Leave a gift in your Will

By remembering us in your Will today, you will help ensure we can continue working as hard as we can, long into the future, for generations to come.

Find out how

In-memory giving

Honour the memory of someone special.

By asking family and friends to make a donation to The Alfred in memory of a loved one, you will be helping thousands of Victorians receive the best medical care available.

Find out how

In-celebration giving

Life is something to celebrate.

By asking family and friends to make a donation to The Alfred instead of receiving gifts for yourself, you can support The Alfred to remain one of the best critical care hospitals in Australia.

Find out how
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