Community Advisory Committee

The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is a committee of the Alfred Health Board, which provides a link between Alfred Health and the community.

Ms Chloe Shorten

Ms Chloe Shorten is an author, company director and communications specialist with a focus on public health and family wellbeing. Chloe brings significant commercial and strategic experience in reputational risk management and governance excellence.

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Mr Lynton Norris

Mr Lynton Norris is a consultant and experienced company director. He is a recognised leader in funding and payment models, policy development and review, performance assessment and reporting, and complex data analysis and analytics.

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Mr Tony Keenan

Tony Keenan has held many leadership positions including in local government, the community sector and has served in a wide range of advisory roles for governments.

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Mr Max Niggl

Max has been a patient with Alfred Health since 1994.

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Ms Kim Hungerford

Kim’s professional background is in Deaf awareness and interpreter training and creative arts. 

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Mr Terry McNamara

Terry’s professional background is in electrical engineering. He has been a patient at The Alfred since 2014.

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Ms Irene Havryluk-Davies

Irene has been involved with Alfred Health since 2008 as a carer and advocate for her late husband until 2016.

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Ms Kriss Will

Kriss has been a patient of the Alfred since 2014. Due to her degenerative neurological illness, she is a regular patient of the following clinics – Functional Gut Disorder/Gastroenterology, PEG (Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy aka feeding tube), Neurology, Respiratory, Sleep and Syncope.

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Ms Amtur Rafiq

Amtur has been a patient at The Alfred since 2012 and in 2017 underwent a double lung transplant.

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Mr Mathew Foo

Mathew’s professional background is in materials engineering working predominately in Senior Management, information Technology, R&D, Business Strategy and Risk Management.

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Ms Mikaela Wong

Mikaela is currently a Doctoral Candidate at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, where she conducts research into cancer biology.

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Mr Stephen James

Stephen’s professional background is in Engineering, Project Management and Business (Sales and Marketing, General Management) in Australia & Internationally.

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Ms Joy Hewitt

Joy has over 35 years’ experience in the life sciences sector gained in a broad range of roles.

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Established in 2000, the aim of the Committee is to bring community members and consumers into decision-making processes at Alfred Health. Members help to develop services that are responsive to the needs of our diverse patient catchment population. The CAC also oversees the development and implementation of the Community Participation Plan.

The Committee is comprised of up to 10 community members and two Alfred Health Board members and meets at least six times a year.

How to become a member

The best way to become a member of the Committee is to join the Alfred Health Consumer Register as a volunteer. We advertise for new committee members approximately every three years. For more information, call the Manager of Patient Experience and Community Participation Program on (03) 9076 2409 or email