Ms Anne Howells

BCom, CA, MB (Corporate Governance), FGIA, GAICD — Board Member

Ms Howells is a Chartered Accountant who is passionate about excellence in customer service, operations, compliance and corporate governance.

She began her career with PwC advising small and medium sized enterprises and later consulting in risk management, compliance and corporate governance. In the course of her career she has held a number of governance and senior quality and complaints management roles with Telstra, been General Manager of a nursing agency, run her own consultancy business and later worked for PwC's CRO in risk and compliance roles.

Anne is a Director and former Chairman of Sexual Health Victoria (SHV) and the Director of CP Solutions Pty Ltd (her personal consulting company). She also serves on the Finance, Audit and Risk Committees (or their equivalents) for SHV, Scope (Aust) Ltd and the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.

Committee positions

Chair — Finance Committee
Member — Remuneration Committee