Parking at The Alfred
The Alfred has a multi-storey car park for patients and visitors.
Visitor parking
Visitor parking is located in the Alfred Centre car park (called P1) and on the ground floor of the multi-level car park.
The car parks are open daily from 6am to 10.30pm. To find out more contact the Car Park Office.
The Alfred Centre car park is underground on two split levels and is adjacent/under The Alfred Centre. The maximum height clearance for the car park is 2.1 metres.
Enter - The visitor car park is accessible from Centre Lane, an internal roadway, which runs off Commercial Road and is located between The Alfred Centre and The Burnet tower. Traffic approaching along Commercial Road, from either direction, can turn into Centre Lane.
There may be a wait of approximately 15 minutes in the queue to enter the car park during our peak times, between 11am and 3pm. We suggest arriving early for your visit to The Alfred or to use other local parking options.
Exit - When exiting Centre Lane, traffic may only turn left into Commercial Road. Vehicles can then use the dedicated U-turn zone, which is in front of the main entrance to The Alfred, if they wish to head east.
To exit the carpark after 10.30pm - See security in the Main Hospital and they will escort you into the building. Pay for your parking as usual, then drive to the exit. Security will open the security door to allow you to drive out.
Parking fees
Effective 1 September 2023, all prices include GST:
- Up to 1 hour - $11.00
- 1-2 hours - $17.00
- 2-3 hours - $20.00
- 3-4 hours - $23.00
- 4-5 hours - $26.00
- 5-6 hours - $29.00
- 6+ hours (daily maximum) - $30.00
- Concession rate - $11.00
- After 8pm (leave before 8am), weekends and public holidays - $11.00 flat rate applies
You will need to pay for your parking before returning to your vehicle using the Automated Pay Stations which are located on B1 & B2 in the Alfred Centre or on the Ground Floor Multi-level Car Park.
Concession rate parking
Concession rate parking is available for holders of valid Pension Concession Cards, Health Care Cards and Disability Parking Permits.
Before you leave the hospital, show your ticket and concession card at one of the following locations:
- The Alfred Centre Reception: 7am - 6pm
- The Alfred Main Reception: 8am - 6pm
- Car Park Office: 8am - 8pm
To limit the impact associated with the payment of parking fees, The Alfred also offers concession rate parking for individuals who can demonstrate financial hardship. Talk to your healthcare team at the hospital for more information.
Disabled parking
Our disabled car parking areas are undercover, secure and easy to access.
Disabled parking permit holders can use:
- The Alfred Centre car park (P1)
- Ground floor of the multi-level visitor car park (P2)
Reduced car parking fees are available for people with disabled parking permits.
Disabled parking permits are available from local city councils. Forms can be obtained from local council offices or their websites. You will need to take the form to your GP before a permit is authorised.
Street parking
Some street parking is available in the surrounding streets and is metered Monday through to Saturday afternoon. Check signs for details.
There are several street parking apps for Android and iOS which can also assist with parking restrictions for local streets.
Other local car parking
A new car park has opened at 198 Punt Road (the corner of Greville St and Punt Rd) offering 18 parking spaces, restricted to 2 hour blocks between 9am and 6pm weekdays. This is a 5 minute walk from hospital.
44 additional parking spaces have opened at 182 Punt Road offering restricted parking of 2 and 4 hour blocks, 9am to 6am Monday to Friday. This is around a 10 minute walk from the hospital.
There are also a number of private car parking facilities available near the hospital.
For more information, visit Parkopedia.