Collaborators & partnerships

Our research is strongly collaborative and is further strengthened by the ‘bench to bedside' approach facilitated by the close physical proximity of two medical research institutes and the Monash University Central Clinical School and School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine.

Monash Partners Academic Health Science Centre

Alfred Health is a founding partner in Monash Partners Academic Health Science Centre, a collaboration between eight major health care, research and education institutions. Monash Partners was one of four Australian health centres recognised by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) in 2015 as being among the world’s best for using medical research to improve patient care. The other partners are Monash University, Baker Heart & Diabetes Institute, Burnet Institute, Monash Health, Cabrini Health, Epworth Healthcare and the Hudson Institute of Medical Research,

Alfred Research Alliance

Alfred Health is a founding partner in the Alfred Research Alliance with Monash University, Baker Heart & Diabetes Institute, Burnet Institute, La Trobe University and Deakin University. This collaboration, on The Alfred hospital campus, links health and medical research with education and healthcare delivery providing the ideal environment for rapid translation of research findings into improved health policy and clinical practice. The benefits of this partnership include valuable collaborations and shared research platforms.

Other partnerships

Alfred Health is a also a partner in the Monash Partners Comprehensive Cancer Consortium (MPCCC) and the Southern Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service (SMICS).

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