Prof Anthony Dart

BA, BM, BCh, FRCP, FRACP, DPhil — Visiting Medical Officer

Prof Anthony Dart is a clinician specialising in Lipid disorders.

He completed his undergraduate and early postgraduate training at the University of Oxford. He completed a BA (physiology) and DPhil (neurophysiology) prior to completing his medical studies (BM BCh). Following internships in Oxford and Bath, he completed basic physician training in South Wales including posts at Morriston Hospital, Swansea and Llandough, Royal Infirmary and Heath Hospital, Cardiff. He was cardiology registrar at the Heath Hospital (University of Wales). Subsequent appointments were as senior registrar in Aberdeen (Forresterhill Hospital and Aberdeen Royal Infirmary) and Lecturer in the Cardiovascular Research Unit, University of Edinburgh.

He received specialist accreditation in General Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology and Cardiovascular Medicine. He also spent 2 years in the Department of Cardiology, Heidelberg, Germany as a Royal Society European Exchange Fellow. Professor Dart relocated to Melbourne in 1988 to take up a position at the Baker Medical Research Institute. He is a FRACP and FRCP.

Professor Dart was in receipt of both personal (Senior Principal Research Fellow) and direct research costs from the NHMRC from 1988 to 2017. Professor Dart was previously Acting Director (2002-2004) and Director (2004-2017) of the department of Cardiovascular Medicine at The Alfred.

Professor Dart's clinical interests, in addition to general cardiology, include hyperlipidaemia and control of cardiac risk factors. Research interests also include hyperlipidaemia and vascular function, particularly in relation to myocardial ischaemia and hypertension. He also has a major laboratory interest (Baker Institute) in myocardial ischaemia and infarction. Professor Dart has more than 300 publications related to cardiac disease.

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