Ms Anna Leibel

GAICD — Board Member

Anna Leibel is an experienced Company Director and C-suite executive across private and public service organisations that are highly regulated and asset-intensive. Anna has guided organisations in reconceiving products to achieve growth aspirations, overseeing sophisticated risk management approaches, and delivering services in complex compliance landscapes.

Ms Leibel is a Non-Executive Director of Secure Electronic Registries Victoria (SERV) and serves on their Audit and Risk Committee. She is a former Non-Executive Director of Ambulance Victoria and Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee.

Selected as a Chief Executive Women Scholar in 2018, Anna completed Driving Strategic Innovation at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. She holds a Postgraduate Diploma in IT Leadership (2019) from Deakin University and completed Succeeding in a Digital Economy (2012) with Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. Anna graduated from the AICD Company Directors course (2017) and will complete a Master of Laws in Enterprise Governance with Bond University in December 2023. Anna co-authored The Secure Board to outline the governance aspects of cyber security, which was published in 2021.

Committee positions

Chair — Audit Committee
Member — Finance Committee
Member — Remuneration Committee