Ms Chloe Shorten

BA (Comm), MAICD, GAIST, GIA (Aff) — Board Member

Ms Chloe Shorten is a national advocate for the rights of children and young people, Ms Shorten has been committed to improving the lives of women, children and people with disabilities through her 30-year involvement with not-for-profit organisations, particularly those in research.

She is the Chair of the Centre for Digital Wellbeing, a Director of Industry Funds Services serving on their Audit and Risk Committee. She is also a Director of the SMC Trust. Chloe is the Inaugural Ambassador for the Foyer Foundation for youth homelessness; a strategic advisor to Burnet Institute for their Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Program.

Ms Shorten has had an extensive executive career in the resources and tech sectors, as head of corporate affairs, communications and reputation management.

She is the author of two books published by Melbourne University Publishing.

Ms Shorten Chairs Alfred Health's Community Advisory Committee and is a member of the Quality Committee.

Committee positions

Chair — Community Advisory Committee
Member — Audit Committee
Member — Quality and People Culture Committee