Internship at Alfred Health

We recognise the sometimes difficult transition from medical student to intern, and provide dedicated support to help you through your first postgraduate year.

As an Alfred Health Intern, you will participate in an extensive orientation program dedicated to covering clinical scenarios and a further orientation program combining didactic, hands-on workshops and skills stations to ensure your transition is smooth and you gain the clinical skills necessary to perform at intern level.

As part of our commitment, we provide a comprehensive education program aimed at intern level and mapped to the Australian Curriculum Framework, including weekly education sessions, numerous unit meetings and professional development programs.

Our long standing Junior Medical Staff Mentor Program has played a significant role in nurturing our junior doctors to reach their full potential since. Our dedicated Senior Medical Staff are passionately committed to the program and to providing the support and guidance to our junior staff needed to help achieve their goals and future career aspirations.

Your registrar and consultant will provide you with the necessary supervision while you are on the ward while the Supervisor of Intern Training and a wide range of staff are also available to aid you in career choices, providing advice and assistance around any concerns you may have throughout the year.

2025 Intern Information Session

Our virtual 2025 Intern Information Session was held on Thursday, 16 May 2024.

View a PDF version of the presentation
Staff in scrubs walking


We offer rotations across all Alfred Health campuses and community locations.

Find out more about the rotations on offer


To apply for Internship at Alfred Health, you must ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for the PMCV prior to proceeding with your application.


6 May 2025 Applications open
5 June 2025 Applications close

6 - 8 June 2025

PMCV Video Interview - VRPA and VIA Group 4 candidates only

16 July 2025

PMCV first offer period commences

14 August 2025

PMCV second offer period commences

18 September 2025 PMCV third (final) offer period commences

12 January 2026

Start date

Frequently asked questions

How many intern positions are available?

Alfred Health expect to recruit 74 Fixed Term Full Time Intern Positions in 2026. However, this is subject to change based on operational requirements.

How do I apply for an Intern position at Alfred Health?

You must apply to PMCV online application portals.

How do I know I am the right fit for Alfred Health?

Alfred Health welcomes applications from all nationalities, cultures and religions. Being inclusive and providing equitable healthcare is our commitment. As part of the medical recruitment at Alfred Health, we are looking for those who:

  • Aspire to have a future career at Alfred Health
  • Demonstrate academic, clinical and personal traits that Alfred Health would see as desirable in a potential employee / trainee
  • Take ownership and responsibility for their work
  • Are committed to a high level of care for our patients and community
  • Are compassionate with their patients and colleagues
  • Value and support diversity and team work
  • Appreciate multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary nature of patient care
  • Are passionate in their desire to lead, develop and improve our services
  • Have an interest in academic pursuits including research

If you fit within these criteria, you would be a great fit for Alfred Health.

How are the rotation allocations determined?

You will receive a rotation allocations list, this will include a yearly overview of each position, site, unit and annual leave associated with the rotation. You will be asked to preference each one, from one to sixty. The Operations team will then collate these requests and allocate one of these to you, based on preferences and availability.

Will I be rostered to Night shifts?

No, you will not be rostered to any night shifts as an intern.

What are my annual leave entitlements and when can I take leave?

You are entitled to 5 weeks of annual leave per annum or pro rata. This leave is allocated to you at the time of rotation allocations. The leave is incorporated in the rotation lines as part of the preferencing process.

Am I paid under an Award and when do I get paid?

You are paid under the Victorian Public Health Sector (AMA Victoria) – Doctors in Training Enterprise Agreement. Your employment and entitlements are in line with this agreement.

You will be paid fortnightly on the designated pay run, which normally occurs on a Wednesday.

On the occasion where you complete unrostered or rostered overtime, you will be paid accordingly and should submit these requests before the payroll cut off dates for it to be included in the following pay run.

Am I entitled to Salary Packaging and who is Alfred Health’s Salary packaging provider?

Yes, all staff employed at Alfred Heath are entitled to Salary Packaging, our Salary packing provider is Maxxia. Please visit the Maxxia website for more information.

Which rural hospitals are affiliated with Alfred Health?

Although you won’t rotate to rural/regional sites as part of your internship at Alfred Health, we have affiliations with Mildura Base Public Hospital, Barwon Health, Peninsula Health, Latrobe Regional Hospital, Goulburn Valley Health, Bass Coast Health, Albury Wodonga Health, Ballarat Base Hospital (Grampians Health) and Bendigo Health.

Will I be considered for HMO2 opportunities following completion of my internship?

Yes, Alfred Health strongly encourages applications from internal employees. We have streamlined the process for Interns applying for HMO2 positions.

During the PMCV pre-match assessment period, the Medical Workforce Recruitment team will reach out to all current interns, to request their Expressions of Interest for a HMO2 position at Alfred Health. You will be asked to complete an online questionnaire where you can preference the different streams. You will also need to nominate a consultant supervisor who can provide a reference on your clinical skills. Applications are then assessed and you will be notified of your stream allocation.

You may also be required to interview for the position.

What can I expect from Orientation?

Alfred Health Intern Orientation occurs over your first week and includes practical, hands on, clinical and non-clinical learning. This includes shadowing time where you will work directly with the 2024 interns on the rotation you are commencing. You will also have unit specific orientation at the start of each rotation and a ‘Unit Handbook’ available online via the ‘Doctor’s Resources’ section on the Alfred intranet. You will also be given a series of online training modules (including Electronic Medical Record training, blood transfusion, radiation safety and Safety, Quality and Patient Centred Care) to complete.

What supervision and support is offered at Alfred Health?

Alfred Health staff’s supervision, support, and wellbeing is of huge importance. All interns are linked with a mentor to provide supervision and support throughout your time with Alfred Health. You will also have a rotation supervisor for each term to assist with your learning, feedback, and assessments. The Medical Education Unit is always available for further support, as is the Supervisor of Intern Training, Director of Prevocational Education, Director of Clinical Training and Director of Medical Services. Lastly there are online resources available through the Alfred Health Doctor’s Resource page.

From a clinical perspective, support and advice is available via HMOs, registrars, fellows and consultants in your unit. Additional support comes from the MET/code blue (medical emergency/arrest) team as needed.

What Education opportunities are available as an Intern?

Every Wednesday lunch is Intern Education. Your attendance is supported by your unit with lunch provided. The curriculum is tailored specifically to your needs as an intern in excelling to the best of your capabilities. It is also a great way to socialise with your fellow interns and learn from each other.

In addition every unit has their own education sessions specific to that speciality. This includes but is not limited to unit education meetings, journal club, grand round, bedside education.

Car Parking

Staff car and bike parking is available at our sites with fees being deducted pre-tax from your fortnightly pay. Further information will be provided as part of your on boarding with Alfred Health for new employees.

Other questions?

Any further questions you may have that remain unanswered, please contact us via email at

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