Development and leadership

Alfred Health values ongoing learning and improvement and is committed to the development of our people. We offer a wide range of clinical and non-clinical development opportunities and benefits that will help enable you to achieve your goal to be the best that you can.


In addition to our Corporate Orientation program, all new staff are also provided with specific and targeted oriented to their local department and shown where all amenities are located by their supervisor or delegate.

Corporate Orientation

The monthly Corporate Orientation welcomes new staff to Alfred Health.

An important part of introducing Alfred Health to all our new people, the Orientation includes:

  • Executive Director presentations on our values, strategy and expectations
  • the patient journey and the importance of patient care
  • the important role quality and safety plays in Alfred Health’s expectations and performance
  • highlights how Alfred Health will support our people to succeed through a wide range of services

Annual Performance Reviews

Alfred Health is committed to supporting our people to reach their full potential and be the best they can be.

The Performance Review and Development Framework formalises our commitment to people development and seeks to establish a shared understanding of Alfred Health’s strategic plan, objectives and strategic priorities and how these align to a team and/or individual’s contribution to the workplace.

As a member of the Alfred Health team, you will receive an annual review, as well as regular feedback.

Graduate Nurse Program (GNP)

The principle aim of the GNP is to support new graduates during their transition from academic learning to professional practice in their first year of employment.

During this period, the graduate will develop the clinical skills, knowledge and values required to become an effective member of the nursing workforce.

The GNP has a structured format enabling new graduates to engage in varied learning activities whilst working within a supported clinical environment to meet the specific objectives of the GNP. There are study days, clinical tutorials, Case presentations and a Quality Project to complete over the 12 month duration.

Support for our graduate nurses has always been provided within a collaborative model with support from the clinical nurses as preceptors, experienced nurse colleagues, resource nurses, CSDNs/CNM and Nurse Educators. In addition, clinical direction & support is also provided by the Graduate Support Nurse Team (GSNs) whose primary role is to work very closely with graduates throughout the year.

The GNP is conducted annually, bringing in over 100 new nurses to Alfred Health each year.

Find out more about our Graduate Nurse Program.

Ian Potter Library

The Ian Potter Library located at the Alfred Hospital provides our people with access to a wide variety of online resources such as eJournals, eBooks and databases as well as a large library of reference text.

Facilities include quiet study spaces, meeting rooms and seminar rooms. Expert training from Library staff is provided in finding information to support your clinical work, continuing education and research.

Medical Grand Rounds

Grand Rounds are held weekly at the Alfred and cover a range of clinical and general topics, and are available to all staff to attend, with a focus on the medical workforce and associated topics.

Lectures have included a range of medical procedures and presentations, innovations in patient care and treatment, as well as discussions on staff wellbeing, and managing stress and a presentation by 2015 Australian of the Year, Ms Rosie Batty, on awareness of domestic violence issues with patients and staff alike.

Study Leave options

Alfred Health is committed to providing our people with relevant education, training and development opportunities that enable them to:

  • perform their current roles effectively, safely and efficiently
  • prepare themselves for future roles
  • realise their full potential

Education, training and development for staff are aligned to the annual Performance Review and Development Plan.

A range of study leave options are available and may include conference leave, sabbaticals, short courses, seminars and post graduate studies.

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