Prof Jayashri Kulkarni

MBBS MPM PhD FRANZCP FAHMS AM — Director MAPrc and Head of Psychiatry Monash University CCS

Prof Kulkarni is the Director of MAPrc and Head of Department of Psychiatry, Monash University (CCS).

MAPrc is dedicated to discovering new treatments, new understanding and new services for people with a range of mental illnesses.

Prof Kulkarni became a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists in 1989 and was awarded a PhD from Monash University in 1997 for her thesis “Women and Psychosis”. She is internationally acknowledged as a leader in the field of reproductive hormones and their impact on mental health. Prof Kulkarni was elected the President of the International Association of Women’s Mental Health in 2017.

Most significant trial

Pioneering the use of estradiol for treatment-resistant schizophrenia: a large-scale randomised-controlled trial in women of child-bearing age.

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