Prof Jennifer Hoy

Director of HIV Medicine

Prof Jennifer Hoy is the Director of HIV Medicine at The Alfred.

Prof Hoy has over 30 years’ experience in HIV clinical research and patient care, and established the Clinical Research Unit at The Alfred. Prior to this, she established and directed the Infectious Diseases Clinical Research Unit from 1988-2008, building it into an internationally recognized research program.

She has been Principal Investigator for over 175 clinical studies at The Alfred and has collaborated widely on investigator-initiated pathogenesis studies.

Prof Hoy has been co-principal investigator on five large studies investigating ARV therapy and bone loss, including the SMART and START studies on which she was the Principal Investigator for Australia.

Prof Hoy has been a productive member of the IAS-USA Antiretroviral Guidelines Panel since 2012. Her current research interests include the comorbidities associated with ageing and HIV, especially bone and cardiovascular disease, and finding better ways to prevent and manage them.

Most significant trial

The START international study recruited 4500 people globally and demonstrated that starting treatment for HIV infection soon after diagnosis provided survival benefits in addition to reduction in AIDS and non-AIDS diseases. The results of this trial provided the gold standard evidence to change all antiretroviral guidelines throughout the world in 2015.

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