Prof Natasha Lannin

Clinical Chair in Occupational Therapy

Natasha is an occupational therapist who holds appointments with several institutions.

Natasha holds a joint appointment with La Trobe University (School of Allied Health) and honorary appointments at the John Walsh Institute for Rehabilitation Research at The University of Sydney, the George Institute for Global Health and the Florey Neurosciences at The University of Melbourne. Working within the Alfred Health hospital network, she conducts clinical trials investigating the effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions, as well as translation research into improving the long-term outcomes for those living with brain injury from stroke or traumatic causes. She has published widely in leading journals such as Stroke, Journal of Epidemiology, and Clinical Rehabilitation, and has received competitive research grants from federal government (including NHMRC), state government (includingthe Transport Accident Commission) and philanthropic organisations (including the National Stroke Foundation).