Heart team sets valve replacement record
Heart specialists at The Alfred have hit a Victorian milestone as they continue to transform care for patients with aortic stenosis, a common but serious condition related to progressive narrowing of the aortic valve.
The team last week became the first in Victoria to undertake 1000 Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) cases, a procedure which sees a new valve placed in the heart over a small wire, replacing the need for patients to undergo gruelling open heart surgery.
Alfred cardiologist Dr Shane Nanayakkara said the technique has dramatically reduced the risk of complication for patients and results in a much faster recovery time.
“Because the implantation is far less invasive than traditional open heart surgery, patients avoid major scarring, they don’t need a general anaesthetic, and they are back on their feet and home quicker,” said Dr Nanayakkara.
“Open heart surgery is hugely demanding on the body and involves the use of a heart and lung bypass machine. By avoiding that, we also significantly reduce the risk of complication like stroke, heart attack or death.”
In the procedure, which takes an hour while a patient is under local anaesthetic, a small wire is inserted into the femoral artery in the groin, and travels along this blood vessel until it reaches the aortic valve in the heart.
The Alfred was one of the first hospitals in Australia to start undertaking aortic valve replacements without surgery.
“When we first began performing TAVI in 2008, it was seen as quite novel and only for patients for whom all other options had been exhausted and were unsuitable for surgery – now it is used in patients of all risk groups,” Dr Nanayakkara said.
“As the eligibility expands and this technique becomes the norm, we’re able to offer it to younger patients, allowing them to avoid significant medical intervention and the impacts on the body.”
“While some patients will still require open surgery to fix their aortic valve, particularly if other surgery is required at the same time, TAVI has become increasingly popular over the past decade, as the technology has become more advanced and the long term data has proven its effectiveness.”
To learn more about our cardiology services, visit our Cardiology web pages.