Celebrating our nurse-force
Hear from some of our incredible nurses about why that do what they do, as we celebrate International Nurses Day 2023.
More than 4500 nurses work across a diverse range of roles at Alfred Health. The care and dedication of our nursing force is crucial to the positive outcomes so many of our patients experience. Today and every day – we say thank you.
Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, our nurses have proven their ability to adapt and provide exceptional care in incredibly challenging circumstances. As we look towards the future, our nurses will continue to adapt, study, evolve and meet challenges head-on to provide even better options and outcomes for patients.
Chief Nursing Officer Ged Williams said International Nurses Day provides an opportunity to acknowledge Alfred Health's nursing workforce, and the outstanding commitment each nurse demonstrates each day.
“We are most grateful for the high-quality care our nurses provide, both today and also into the future,” Mr Williams said.
“It is their dedication and skills which makes a significant difference to the experience and outcomes of our patients.”
Watch the below videos to hear from Tania Birthisel (Intensive Care and Hyperbaric Nursing), Mick Kelly (Child and Youth Mental Health), and Talia Minski (Operating Suites) about what drives them in the work they do.