Diabetes service empowers community
A new education program at Caulfield Community Health Service (CCHS) is empowering people who live with type 2 diabetes to better manage their condition.
Diabetes Nurse Educator, Lynette Schroen, said one person every five minutes is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in Australia,
“It’s crucial that people living with diabetes are given the tools they need to make healthy lifestyle decisions to help prevent long-term complications which impact the heart, kidneys, eyes, feet and nerves,” Ms Schroen said.
“A survey shows those attending the service are most concerned about the future of living with diabetes and possibly developing some of these complications.”
The Community Diabetes Service provides an opportunity for people living with type 2 diabetes to have access to a comprehensive range of services, including a diabetes nurse educator, dietitian and an exercise physiologist. Referrals to other CCHS allied health services such as podiatry and physical activity programs are available.
“This is a team-based holistic approach to diabetes care in a “one stop shop”, said Ms Schroen.
“Our diabetes team can identify issues early, problem-solve, plan and work towards client aims.”
Since the beginning of August the service has received over 210 referrals, with around 90% reporting they had never had previous access to a community based diabetes nurse educator, dietitian or exercise physiologist to help manage their type 2 diabetes.
Findings from repeat surveys show the service has been helpful in reducing people’s level of concern about their future of living with diabetes. People are also reporting they are feeling more encouraged with their overall diabetes management plan, and with having aims established for their diabetes care.