Stringent processes in Victoria’s health hotel

Victoria’s health hotel has been the place of care for more than 230 COVID-positive residents since Alfred Health became involved in the quarantine program.
All hotel staff participate in daily COVID-19 testing, and no Alfred Health staff have tested positive. A recent review of staff confirmed these results. There have been no cases of transmission from the health hotels since Alfred Health’s involvement.
All residents on the floor where the returned traveller with the Delta strain was cared for in the Health Hotel were COVID-positive on admission.
A spokesperson for Alfred Health said hotel staff work to some of the strictest infection control processes to keep residents and our community as safe as possible.
“Alfred Health can access CCTV as a security measure at the health hotel, with footage reviewed as required. The hotel-operated security system periodically clears footage automatically.
“We worked closely with CQV and the Department of Health to support a review of the potential scenarios that may have led to a community transmission of the virus last month.
“This review found no evidence of the virus’ transmission to staff working in the health hotels, or residents. There was also no indication there had been any breach of infection control measures.
“Stringent entry point screening systems are in place to check-in and log all staff who access the health hotel.
“Everyone who enters the hotel is carefully recorded and contact tracers have immediate access to that information whenever it’s needed.
“We have completed a review of QR code integration with our existing processes, and we will be introducing this into the health hotel and complex care hotel later this month.”