The Alfred Centre 10 years on

The Alfred Centre celebrated a very special milestone this year: a decade of exceptional patient care.
Thanks in part to the donations of generous friends like you, the establishment of The Alfred Centre in 2007 heralded a new era of healthcare.
It successfully reduced the need for multiple hospital visits, reduced waiting times for surgery, and made each person’s healthcare journey as smooth and streamlined as possible.
Since then The Alfred Centre has continued to grow – with the ongoing aim of giving even more people access to the surgery they need. And in each stage of its development, supporters like you have been there every step of the way.
The Alfred Centre was built to be a ‘one-stop’ shop for Victorians, and each year thousands of people have their planned surgery within its walls. It currently has 16 Medical Day Unit beds, 26 Short Stay beds and a Day Procedure Unit.
The Alfred Centre is more vital than ever, so we celebrate its 10th anniversary with a special thank you.