Weight-loss surgery at no cost to patient

The Alfred is one of few public hospitals in Australia to offer weight loss surgery at no cost to the patient.
Between 2007 and 2014, 1453 people's experience of weight loss surgery was studied at The Alfred.
The research published in the Australia and New Zealand Journal of Surgery found that most of these people lost substantial amounts of weight and experienced improvements in
their health as a result.
Alfred Health’s Bariatric Service provides specialist Bariatric intervention for patient’s state wide.
With the introduction of a Health Information Seminar and our 16 week Online Health Improvement Program, patients become active participants in the journey.
Upon successful completion of the Online Health Improvement Program patients will be offered an appointment in our specialist multidisciplinary Bariatric Clinic for assessment.
If you are a new patient and would like to be referred to the Alfred Health’s Bariatric Service, please see your GP for a referral.
Health professionals can obtain referral forms, guidelines and information from the Bariatric Clinic.