VAC boosts PrEPX funding

18 January 2017
HIV virus
Up close: The HIV virus

The Alfred's PrEPX Study will be available to an additional 600 people, thanks to a $100,000 funding boost from the Victorian AIDS Council (VAC). 

Places in the study have reached capacity across Melbourne and regional Victoria, after the original 2600 funded places were filled. There is an extensive waitlist for the study and this latest funding will enable 600 more Victorians to take part and gain access to potentially life-saving PrEP medication.

PrEPX, which was launched last year, is a research study that will examine how expanding the use of PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) medication will impact the number of new HIV infections in Victoria. PrEP is medication to prevent HIV infection in people who are at high risk. The study is sponsored by the Victorian Government, VAC and Alfred Health.

Edwina Wright, lead researcher and Infectious Diseases Physician at The Alfred, said the study had been very well-received.

"This support from VAC will allow several hundred individuals on the waitlist to gain access to PrEP," Associate Professor Wright said.

"PrEPX has been the fastest-enrolling PrEP study in the world - we had 1000 people enrolled within three weeks of the launch. We've had excellent feedback from our study participants and I really look forward to seeing what impact this has on HIV rates in Victoria."

Find out more about PrEPX.

research & innovation