Patient resources

We produce useful resources to help inform patients and their families about their care and encourage involvement in making decision about treatment. 

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Resource title Size Resource type
Inside Radiology
Feee and easily accessible accurate, up to date, credible information about medical imaging tests and procedures
Insulin prescribing for a more sustainable future 1 MB Fact sheet
A bone anchoring system based on osseointegration
Intensive Care at Alfred Health - Information for patients, families, and support people Booklet, Brochure, Fact sheet
Intravenous (IV) Iron Infusion
This information sheet answers some common questions about intravenous (IV) iron. It should not replace talking to your doctor about your care.
Fact sheet
John Hopkins Medicine: Handwashing video Video
Kidney Donor Health Screening Questionnaire 311 KB Form
Kidney Health Australia Website
Kids Helpline
Mental health information and phone counselling
Launch Housing
One of Victoria’s largest providers of housing and homelessness support services.
Leukaemia Foundation
The Leukaemia Foundation is Australia's peak body for blood cancer, funding research and providing free services to support people with leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma and related blood disorders, and their families.
Life after heart transplant 691 KB Booklet
Lifeline provides all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to online, phone and face-to-face crisis support and suicide prevention services.
Providing information and support to amputees and their families while promoting an inclusive community
Live in Melbourne
A state government driven source of information for international skilled, investor and business migrants considering the move to our great city
Live Life
Information about Live Life personal mobile alarms
We improve the lives of people affected by cancer, now.
Living after cancer treatment brochure: Livestrong
These brochures offer resources related to the physical, emotional, and day-to-day concerns of people affected by cancer after treatment.
Living beyond cancer: Memorial Sloan Kettering
Thanks to advances in detection and treatment, more people than ever before are surviving cancer.
Living beyond cancer: NCSS
Cancer Survival Toolbox® Special Topics
Look Good, Feel Good
News, practical tips and FAQs about cancer, and how to get involved with cancer programs
Looking after your cannula (PIVC)
Information for patients to help prevent complications with a cannula
Fact sheet
Low FODMAP diet for IBS (Monash) Website
Lung cancer: what to expect during treatment and beyond Website
Lung Foundation Australia Website
Lung Foundation Australia - What you need to know Long COVID Website
Lungitude Foundation
The Lungitude Foundation is a registered Australian charity focused on funding and facilitating world-class translational research, advocating for lung transplant excellence, building a strong community of support, and educating key audiences.
Lupus Foundation
Resources, services and events
At Macmillan, we know how a cancer diagnosis can affect everything. So we’re here to support you and help you take back some control in your life.
Managing medication
Our Palliative Care team has compiled these resources to help people caring for someone who is at the end of their life, at home.
Managing your migrane
Information for patients
Mary Potter Hospice :How to give sublingual medications(video) Video
Mary Potter Hospice: How to give sublingual medications (video) Video
Mary Potter Hospice: How to insert Safe-T intima(video) Video
Medicare factsheet - mental health rebates
Information sheet outlining how Medicare rebates are applied to mental health services provided by psychologists
52 KB Fact sheet
Medicare services
Information about Medicare from the Australian Government
An accommodation website enabling patients, carers and healthcare professionals to find and book accommodation close to hospitals and medical facilities.
Melbourne International Comedy Festival
Billed as "more than just a once-a-year festival", a festival of laughs up there with Edinburgh Fringe
Melbourne International Film Festival
Australia's largest film festival, showcasing local and international shorts, documentaries and feature films
Melbourne Prostate Page
Mental Health Australia
The peak, national non-government organisation representing and promoting the interests of the Australian mental health sector.
Mental Health First Aid
First aid information and courses teaching simple, practical first aid skills for helping those experiencing mental health problems.
Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia Inc
Information and support about psychosis or other mental illness for yourself or someone you care about
Mind Australia
A community mental health service supporting people experiencing mental health and wellbeing concerns.
Mind Me
Information about Mind Me personal alarms
Monash University Department of Neuroscience
More physiotherapy helps patients recover faster (News article) Website
Mpox (monkeypox)
Information for patients about Mpox
Fact sheet
MS Brain Health - a guide for people with MS Website
MS Plus services flyer
PDF list of services offered by the MS Plus group