Alfred Hospital Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee is constituted according to NHMRC guidelines and reports to the Alfred Health Executive Committee, which in turn reports to the Alfred Health Board.
The Ethics Committee reviews projects for Alfred Health and Alfred Research Alliance partners, for Monash University (for projects where Alfred Health is involved in any way) and for other institutions who either do not have their own HRECs or wish to submit their applications under the recognised streamlined review schemes.
The Ethics Committee has two sub-committees:
Drugs and Interventions Group
- Professor John McNeil AO, Chair Ethics Committee and D&I group
- Professor Colin Johnston AO, Deputy Chair D&I group, member with knowledge of relevant research areas
- Elizabeth Burns, member who brings a community or consumer perspective
- Professor Richard Gerraty, member with knowledge of relevant research areas
- Dr Sanjeev Gill, member with knowledge of professional care, counselling and treatment
- Associate Professor Tom Kotsimbos, member with knowledge of professional care, counselling and treatment
- Theo Richter, pastoral care member
- Stef Rizzo, member who brings a community or consumer perspective
- Brian Smith, member who brings a community or consumer perspective
- Professor Dominic Thyagarajan, member with knowledge of relevant research areas
- Jaqueline Wilson, lawyer
Health and Social Sciences Group
- Annette Bennet, co-Chair H&SS group, member who brings a community or consumer perspective
- Sally Joy, co-Chair H&SS group, member who brings a community or consumer perspective
- Rabbi Shamir Caplan, pastoral care member
- Associate Professor Danijela Gasevic, member with knowledge of relevant research areas
- Dr Joesph Grant, member with knowledge of professional care, counselling and treatment
- Professor Peter Hunter, member with knowledge of professional care, counselling and treatment
- Dr Natasha Jennings, member with knowledge of professional care, counselling and treatment
- Maria McKenzie, member with knowledge of relevant research areas
- Isabella Moore, lawyer
- Thobekile Mthethwa-Pitt, member with knowledge of professional care, counselling and treatment
- Roy Olliff, Deputy Chair Ethics Committee, member who brings a community or consumer perspective
- Dr Jacqui Richmond, member with knowledge of professional care, counselling and treatment
Inducted members pool
- Associate Professor Catherine (Kate) Cherry, member with knowledge of professional care, counselling and treatment
- Dr Judy Frayne, member with knowledge of relevant research areas
- Dr Susannah King, member with knowledge of professional care, counselling and treatment
- Professor Andrew Udy, member with knowledge of relevant research areas
Non-sitting members
- Reverend Sam Goodes, pastoral care member
- Linda Murdoch, lawyer

Ethics Committee meeting dates
Our Ethics Committee meets monthly to review ethics applications.
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