The ARISE study
The ARISE study, a multicentre, randomised controlled trial (RCT) of Early Goal-Directed Therapy in patients (n = 1600) presenting to Australasian emergency departments (EDs) with severe sepsis, was completed in September 2014.
The study concluded that in critically ill patients presenting to the ED with early septic shock, EGDT did not reduce allcause mortality at 90 days. Results were presented at the 27th Annual Congress of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) in Spain and published in the *New England Journal of Medicine. Professor Peter Cameron is a co-author on this landmark paper.
*ARISE Investigators, ANZICS Clinical Trials Group, Peake SL, Delaney A, Bailey M, Bellomo R, Cameron PA, Cooper DJ, Higgins AM, Holgate A, Howe BD, Webb SA, Williams P. Goaldirected resuscitation for patients with early septic shock. N Engl J Med 2014;371(16):1496-506