General Medicine research
We conduct a wide range of research projects from clinical trials, quality improvement projects, observational studies to clinical case reports, based on our patients’ needs and clinicians’ interests and expertise.
Our research projects are guided by our passion to innovate and improve healthcare systems, to deliver practical, pragmatic and holistic clinical care for our patients, and to promote acquisition of practical research skills, through a multidisciplinary collaborative approach with various internal and external partners. Our patients are the inspiration behind our research activities.
- Dr Michelle Ananda-Rajah (General Medicine and Infectious Diseases)
- Dr Ar Kar Aung (General Medicine and Infectious Diseases)
- A/Prof Harvey Newnham (General Medicine and Endocrinology)
- Ms Erica Tong (Lead Clinical Pharmacist)
- Dr Harry Gibbs (General Medicine and Cardiology)
- Dr Ingrid Hopper (General Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology)
- Dr Vince D’Intini (General Medicine and Nephrology)
- Dr Cathy Corbett (General Medicine and Palliative Care)
Research co-ordinator
- Vathy Nagalingam
Trainee researchers
- Dr Elizabeth Potter
- Dr Omar Wahbi-Izzettin
- Dr Michelle Papandony
- Dr Wendy Fang
- Dr Sara de Menezes
- Dr Nikki Adler
- Dr Benjamin Lewis
- Dr Jarren Wang
Current projects
- De-prescribing in general medical patients: Analysis of process outcomes, patients’ quality of life and attitudes. Potter E, Tong EY, Perri N, Madden A, Aung AK.
- Implementation of 5+5 heart failure care program in general medicine: impact on clinical practice and patient education. Wahbi-Izzetin O, Hopper I, Ritchie E, Nagalingam V, Noel B, Aung AK.
- Review: Current opinion in assessment and management of severe cutaneous adverse drug reactions. Adler NR, Ergen E, Goh MSY, Trubiano JA, Aung AK, Phillips EJ.
- Epidemiology of upper limb musculoskeletal conditions in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Papandony M, Wluka A, Aung AK, Cicuttini F.
- Providers’ knowledge survey on adverse drug reactions and implementation of an education module. De Menezes S, Graudins LV, Puy R, Zubrinich C, Goh MSY, Tee W, Douglass J, Trubiano JA, Aung AK.
- Prevalence of drug induced liver injury in patients with cutaneous adverse drug reactions: a multicentre study. Fang W, Adler NR, Graudins LV, Goldblatt C, Goh MSY, Trubiano JA, Roberts S, Aung AK.
- Clinical epidemiology and characteristics of aerococcus infections and rate of identification over time with MALDI-TOF MS: An Australian tertiary centre experience. Narayanasamy S, King K, Dennsion A, Spelman DW, Aung AK.
- Early discharges in general medicine: patient characteristics and discharge diagnoses. Lewis B, Ilancheran A, Stout D, Aung AK.
- Malignant otitis externa: Epidemiology, aetiology and management outcomes at 2 tertiary hospitals. Wang J, Woo S, Trubiano JA, Teh BM, Aung AK.
- Routine consideration of consensus resuscitation plan (CRP) on daily structured interdisciplinary bedside rounds (SIBR) improves documentation and prompts early decision making. Corbett C, Dunn C, Newnham H, Trauer J, Orosz J, Ananda-Rajah M.
- Understanding end of life care in acute hospitals in Australia. Corbett C, Cairney H, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.
- Epidemiology of upper limb musculoskeletal conditions in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Papandony M, Wluka A, Aung AK, Cicuttini F. Poster, NZRA and IMSANZ 2016.
- Implementation of 5+5 heart failure care program in general medicine. Wahbi-Izzetin O, Hopper I, Ritchie E, Nagalingam V, Noel B, Aung AK. Poster, IMSANZ 2016.
- Routine consideration of consensus resuscitation plan (CRP) on daily structured interdisciplinary bedside round (SIBR) improves documentation and prompts early decision making. Corbett C, Dunn C, Newnham H, Trauer J, Orosz J, Ananda-Rajah M. Oral presentation, ANZSPM 2016
- Renal safety in the elderly patients receiving a short course of gentamicin (The Gentle Study). Aung AK, Sia CS, Tong EY, Mulqueen C, Cresswell N, Joyce C, Baey YW, Roman CP, Ananda-Rajah M. Poster, ASID 2016.
- A case of delayed onset pyroglutamic acidosis in the sub-acute setting. Mo L, Liang DL, Madden A, Aung AK. Poster, IMSANZ 2015.
- Intravascular large B cell lymphoma with haemophagocytic syndrome: a double lethal masquerade. Adler NR, Sia CS, Polchleb C, Jane S, Aung AK. Poster, IMSANZ 2015.
Our partners
Awad A, Mouhtouris E, Nguyen-Robertson CV, Holmes N, Chua KYL, Copaescu A, James F, Goh MS, Aung AK, Godfrey DI, Philips EJ, Gibson A, Almeida CF, Trubiano JA, On behalf of Australian Registry of Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions (AUS-SCAR)
(2022), Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology-Global, 1(1), 16-21
Chan PY, Tay A, Chen D, Vogrin S, McNeil J, Hopper I
(2022), J Clin Monit Comput, 36(4), 1029-36
Newnham HH
(2022), MED J AUSTRALIA, 216(3), 116-8
DOI: 10.5694/mja2.51385